Module: server
Utilities for implementing server-side Convex query and mutation functions.
Code Generation
This module is typically used alongside generated server code.
To generate the server code, run npx convex dev
in your Convex project.
This will create a convex/_generated/server.js
file with the following
functions, typed for your schema:
If you aren't using TypeScript and code generation, you can use these untyped functions instead:
Convex functions are defined by using either the query
Queries receive a db
that implements the GenericDatabaseReader interface.
import { query } from "./_generated/server";
export default query({
handler: async ({ db }, { arg1, arg2 }) => {
// Your (read-only) code here!
If your function needs to write to the database, such as inserting, updating,
or deleting documents, use mutation
instead which provides a db
implements the GenericDatabaseWriter interface.
import { mutation } from "./_generated/server";
export default mutation({
handler: async ({ db }, { arg1, arg2 }) => {
// Your mutation code here!
- Crons
- Expression
- IndexRange
- HttpRouter
- TableDefinition
- SchemaDefinition
- SearchFilter
- FilterExpression
- UserIdentity
- Auth
- CronJob
- BaseTableReader
- GenericDatabaseReader
- GenericDatabaseReaderWithTable
- GenericDatabaseWriter
- GenericDatabaseWriterWithTable
- BaseTableWriter
- FilterBuilder
- IndexRangeBuilder
- PaginationResult
- PaginationOptions
- QueryInitializer
- Query
- OrderedQuery
- GenericMutationCtx
- GenericQueryCtx
- GenericActionCtx
- ValidatedFunction
- Scheduler
- SearchIndexConfig
- VectorIndexConfig
- DefineSchemaOptions
- SystemDataModel
- SearchFilterBuilder
- SearchFilterFinalizer
- StorageReader
- StorageWriter
- StorageActionWriter
- VectorSearchQuery
- VectorFilterBuilder
Re-exports UserIdentityAttributes
Type Aliases
Ƭ FunctionType: "query"
| "mutation"
| "action"
The type of a Convex function.
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionReference<Type
, Visibility
, Args
, ReturnType
, ComponentPath
>: Object
A reference to a registered Convex function.
You can create a FunctionReference using the generated api
import { api } from "../convex/_generated/api";
const reference = api.myModule.myFunction;
If you aren't using code generation, you can create references using anyApi:
import { anyApi } from "convex/server";
const reference = anyApi.myModule.myFunction;
Function references can be used to invoke functions from the client. For example, in React you can pass references to the useQuery hook:
const result = useQuery(api.myModule.myFunction);
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Type | extends FunctionType | The type of the function ("query", "mutation", or "action"). |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility = "public" | The visibility of the function ("public" or "internal"). |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs = any | The arguments to this function. This is an object mapping argument names to their types. |
ReturnType | any | The return type of this function. |
ComponentPath | string | undefined | - |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
_type | Type |
_visibility | Visibility |
_args | Args |
_returnType | ReturnType |
_componentPath | ComponentPath |
Defined in
Ƭ ApiFromModules<AllModules
>: FilterApi
>, FunctionReference
, any
, any
, any
Given the types of all modules in the convex/
directory, construct the type
of api
is a utility for constructing FunctionReferences.
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
AllModules | extends Record <string , object > | A type mapping module paths (like "dir/myModule" ) to the types of the modules. |
Defined in
Ƭ FilterApi<API
, Predicate
>: Expand
<{ [mod in keyof API as API[mod] extends Predicate ? mod : API[mod] extends FunctionReference<any, any, any, any> ? never : FilterApi<API[mod], Predicate> extends Record<string, never> ? never : mod]: API[mod] extends Predicate ? API[mod] : FilterApi<API[mod], Predicate> }>
Filter a Convex deployment api object for functions which meet criteria, for example all public queries.
Type parameters
Name |
Predicate |
Defined in
Ƭ AnyApi: Record
, Record
, AnyModuleDirOrFunc
The type that Convex api objects extend. If you were writing an api from scratch it should extend this type.
Defined in
Ƭ PartialApi<API
>: { [mod in keyof API]?: API[mod] extends FunctionReference<any, any, any, any> ? API[mod] : PartialApi<API[mod]> }
Recursive partial API, useful for defining a subset of an API when mocking or building custom api objects.
Type parameters
Name |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionArgs<FuncRef
>: FuncRef
Given a FunctionReference, get the return type of the function.
This is represented as an object mapping argument names to values.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
FuncRef | extends AnyFunctionReference |
Defined in
Ƭ OptionalRestArgs<FuncRef
>: FuncRef
] extends EmptyObject
? [args?: EmptyObject] : [args: FuncRef["_args"]]
A tuple type of the (maybe optional) arguments to FuncRef
This type is used to make methods involving arguments type safe while allowing skipping the arguments for functions that don't require arguments.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
FuncRef | extends AnyFunctionReference |
Defined in
Ƭ ArgsAndOptions<FuncRef
, Options
>: FuncRef
] extends EmptyObject
? [args?: EmptyObject, options?: Options] : [args: FuncRef["_args"], options?: Options]
A tuple type of the (maybe optional) arguments to FuncRef
, followed by an options
object of type Options
This type is used to make methods like useQuery
type-safe while allowing
- Skipping arguments for functions that don't require arguments.
- Skipping the options object.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
FuncRef | extends AnyFunctionReference |
Options | Options |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionReturnType<FuncRef
>: FuncRef
Given a FunctionReference, get the return type of the function.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
FuncRef | extends AnyFunctionReference |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionHandle<Type
, Args
, ReturnType
>: string
& FunctionReference
, "internal"
, Args
, ReturnType
A serializable reference to a Convex function.
Passing a this reference to another component allows that component to call this
function during the current function execution or at any later time.
Function handles are used like api.folder.function
e.g. ctx.scheduler.runAfter(0, functionReference, args)
A function reference is stable across code pushes but it's possible the Convex function it refers to might no longer exist.
This is a feature of components, which are in beta. This API is unstable and may change in subsequent releases.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Type | extends FunctionType |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs = any |
ReturnType | any |
Defined in
Ƭ ComponentDefinition<Exports
>: Object
An object of this type should be the default export of a convex.config.ts file in a component definition directory.
This is a feature of components, which are in beta. This API is unstable and may change in subsequent releases.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Exports | extends ComponentExports = any |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
use | <Definition>(definition : Definition , options? : { name? : string }) => InstalledComponent <Definition > | Install a component with the given definition in this component definition. Takes a component definition and an optional name. For editor tooling this method expects a ComponentDefinition but at runtime the object that is imported will be a ImportedComponentDefinition |
__exports | Exports | Internal type-only property tracking exports provided. Deprecated This is a type-only property, don't use it. |
Defined in
Ƭ AnyComponents: AnyChildComponents
Defined in
Ƭ GenericDocument: Record
, Value
A document stored in Convex.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericFieldPaths: string
A type describing all of the document fields in a table.
These can either be field names (like "name") or references to fields on nested objects (like "").
Defined in
Ƭ GenericIndexFields: string
A type describing the ordered fields in an index.
These can either be field names (like "name") or references to fields on nested objects (like "").
Defined in
Ƭ GenericTableIndexes: Record
, GenericIndexFields
A type describing the indexes in a table.
It's an object mapping each index name to the fields in the index.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericSearchIndexConfig: Object
A type describing the configuration of a search index.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
searchField | string |
filterFields | string |
Defined in
Ƭ GenericTableSearchIndexes: Record
, GenericSearchIndexConfig
A type describing all of the search indexes in a table.
This is an object mapping each index name to the config for the index.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericVectorIndexConfig: Object
A type describing the configuration of a vector index.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
vectorField | string |
dimensions | number |
filterFields | string |
Defined in
Ƭ GenericTableVectorIndexes: Record
, GenericVectorIndexConfig
A type describing all of the vector indexes in a table.
This is an object mapping each index name to the config for the index.
Defined in
Ƭ FieldTypeFromFieldPath<Document
, FieldPath
>: FieldTypeFromFieldPathInner
, FieldPath
> extends Value
| undefined
? FieldTypeFromFieldPathInner
, FieldPath
> : Value
| undefined
The type of a field in a document.
Note that this supports both simple fields like "name" and nested fields like "".
If the field is not present in the document it is considered to be undefined
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Document | extends GenericDocument |
FieldPath | extends string |
Defined in
Ƭ FieldTypeFromFieldPathInner<Document
, FieldPath
>: FieldPath
extends `${infer First}.${infer Second}` ? ValueFromUnion
, First
, Record
, never
>> extends infer FieldValue ? FieldValue
extends GenericDocument
? FieldTypeFromFieldPath
, Second
> : undefined
: undefined
: ValueFromUnion
, FieldPath
, undefined
The inner type of FieldTypeFromFieldPath.
It's wrapped in a helper to coerce the type to Value | undefined
since some
versions of TypeScript fail to infer this type correctly.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Document | extends GenericDocument |
FieldPath | extends string |
Defined in
Ƭ GenericTableInfo: Object
A type describing the document type and indexes in a table.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
document | GenericDocument |
fieldPaths | GenericFieldPaths |
indexes | GenericTableIndexes |
searchIndexes | GenericTableSearchIndexes |
vectorIndexes | GenericTableVectorIndexes |
Defined in
Ƭ DocumentByInfo<TableInfo
>: TableInfo
The type of a document in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ FieldPaths<TableInfo
>: TableInfo
The field paths in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
These can either be field names (like "name") or references to fields on nested objects (like "").
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ Indexes<TableInfo
>: TableInfo
The database indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
This will be an object mapping index names to the fields in the index.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ IndexNames<TableInfo
>: keyof Indexes
The names of indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ NamedIndex<TableInfo
, IndexName
>: Indexes
Extract the fields of an index from a GenericTableInfo by name.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
IndexName | extends IndexNames <TableInfo > |
Defined in
Ƭ SearchIndexes<TableInfo
>: TableInfo
The search indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
This will be an object mapping index names to the search index config.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ SearchIndexNames<TableInfo
>: keyof SearchIndexes
The names of search indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ NamedSearchIndex<TableInfo
, IndexName
>: SearchIndexes
Extract the config of a search index from a GenericTableInfo by name.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
IndexName | extends SearchIndexNames <TableInfo > |
Defined in
Ƭ VectorIndexes<TableInfo
>: TableInfo
The vector indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
This will be an object mapping index names to the vector index config.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ VectorIndexNames<TableInfo
>: keyof VectorIndexes
The names of vector indexes in a table for a given GenericTableInfo.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
Defined in
Ƭ NamedVectorIndex<TableInfo
, IndexName
>: VectorIndexes
Extract the config of a vector index from a GenericTableInfo by name.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableInfo | extends GenericTableInfo |
IndexName | extends VectorIndexNames <TableInfo > |
Defined in
Ƭ GenericDataModel: Record
, GenericTableInfo
A type describing the tables in a Convex project.
This is designed to be code generated with npx convex dev
Defined in
Ƭ AnyDataModel: Object
A GenericDataModel that considers documents to be any
and does not
support indexes.
This is the default before a schema is defined.
Index signature
▪ [tableName: string
]: { document
: any
; fieldPaths
: GenericFieldPaths
; indexes
: ; searchIndexes
: ; vectorIndexes
: }
Defined in
Ƭ TableNamesInDataModel<DataModel
>: keyof DataModel
& string
A type of all of the table names defined in a GenericDataModel.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Defined in
Ƭ NamedTableInfo<DataModel
, TableName
>: DataModel
Extract the TableInfo
for a table in a GenericDataModel by table
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
TableName | extends keyof DataModel |
Defined in
Ƭ DocumentByName<DataModel
, TableName
>: DataModel
The type of a document in a GenericDataModel by table name.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
TableName | extends TableNamesInDataModel <DataModel > |
Defined in
Ƭ ExpressionOrValue<T
>: Expression
> | T
An Expression or a constant Value
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends Value | undefined |
Defined in
Ƭ Cursor: string
An opaque identifier used for paginating a database query.
Cursors are returned from paginate and represent the point of the query where the page of results ended.
To continue paginating, pass the cursor back into paginate in the PaginationOptions object to fetch another page of results.
Note: Cursors can only be passed to exactly the same database query that they were generated from. You may not reuse a cursor between different database queries.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericMutationCtxWithTable<DataModel
>: Omit
>, "db"
> & { db
: GenericDatabaseWriterWithTable
> }
A set of services for use within Convex mutation functions.
The mutation context is passed as the first argument to any Convex mutation function run on the server.
If you're using code generation, use the MutationCtx
type in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Defined in
Ƭ GenericQueryCtxWithTable<DataModel
>: Omit
>, "db"
> & { db
: GenericDatabaseReaderWithTable
> }
A set of services for use within Convex query functions.
The query context is passed as the first argument to any Convex query function run on the server.
This differs from the MutationCtx because all of the services are read-only.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Defined in
Ƭ DefaultFunctionArgs: Record
, unknown
The default arguments type for a Convex query, mutation, or action function.
Convex functions always take an arguments object that maps the argument names to their values.
Defined in
Ƭ ArgsArray: OneArgArray
| NoArgsArray
An array of arguments to a Convex function.
Convex functions can take either a single DefaultFunctionArgs object or no args at all.
Defined in
Ƭ ArgsArrayToObject<Args
>: Args
extends OneArgArray
<infer ArgsObject> ? ArgsObject
: EmptyObject
Convert an ArgsArray into a single object type.
Empty arguments arrays are converted to EmptyObject.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Args | extends ArgsArray |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionVisibility: "public"
| "internal"
A type representing the visibility of a Convex function.
Defined in
Ƭ RegisteredMutation<Visibility
, Args
, Returns
>: { isConvexFunction
: true
; isMutation
: true
} & VisibilityProperties
A mutation function that is part of this app.
You can create a mutation by wrapping your function in mutationGeneric or internalMutationGeneric and exporting it.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs |
Returns | Returns |
Defined in
Ƭ RegisteredQuery<Visibility
, Args
, Returns
>: { isConvexFunction
: true
; isQuery
: true
} & VisibilityProperties
A query function that is part of this app.
You can create a query by wrapping your function in queryGeneric or internalQueryGeneric and exporting it.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs |
Returns | Returns |
Defined in
Ƭ RegisteredAction<Visibility
, Args
, Returns
>: { isConvexFunction
: true
; isAction
: true
} & VisibilityProperties
An action that is part of this app.
You can create an action by wrapping your function in actionGeneric or internalActionGeneric and exporting it.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs |
Returns | Returns |
Defined in
Ƭ PublicHttpAction: Object
An HTTP action that is part of this app's public API.
You can create public HTTP actions by wrapping your function in httpActionGeneric and exporting it.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
isHttp | true |
Defined in
Ƭ UnvalidatedFunction<Ctx
, Args
, Returns
>: (ctx
: Ctx
, ...args
: Args
) => Returns
| { handler
: (ctx
: Ctx
, ...args
: Args
) => Returns
-- See the type definition for MutationBuilder
or similar for
the types used for defining Convex functions.
The definition of a Convex query, mutation, or action function without argument validation.
Convex functions always take a context object as their first argument and an (optional) args object as their second argument.
This can be written as a function like:
import { query } from "./_generated/server";
export const func = query(({ db }, { arg }) => {...});
or as an object like:
import { query } from "./_generated/server";
export const func = query({
handler: ({ db }, { arg }) => {...},
See ValidatedFunction to add argument validation.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Ctx | Ctx |
Args | extends ArgsArray |
Returns | Returns |
Defined in
Ƭ ReturnValueForOptionalValidator<ReturnsValidator
>: [ReturnsValidator
] extends [Validator
, any
, any
>] ? ValidatorTypeToReturnType
>> : [ReturnsValidator
] extends [PropertyValidators
] ? ValidatorTypeToReturnType
>> : any
There are multiple syntaxes for defining a Convex function:
- query(async (ctx, args) => {...})
- query({ handler: async (ctx, args) => {...} })
- query({ args: { a: v.string }, handler: async (ctx, args) => {...} } })
- query({ args: { a: v.string }, returns: v.string(), handler: async (ctx, args) => {...} } })
In each of these, we want to correctly infer the type for the arguments and return value, preferring the type derived from a validator if it's provided.
To avoid having a separate overload for each, which would show up in error messages, we use the type params -- ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs.
The type for ReturnValue and OneOrZeroArgs are constrained by the type or ArgsValidator and ReturnsValidator if they're present, and inferred from any explicit type annotations to the arguments or return value of the function.
Below are a few utility types to get the appropriate type constraints based on an optional validator.
Additional tricks:
- We use Validator | void instead of Validator | undefined because the latter does
not work with
since it's equivalent to justValidator
. - We use a tuple type of length 1 to avoid distribution over the union
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ReturnsValidator | extends Validator <any , any , any > | PropertyValidators | void |
Defined in
Ƭ ArgsArrayForOptionalValidator<ArgsValidator
>: [ArgsValidator
] extends [Validator
, any
, any
>] ? OneArgArray
>> : [ArgsValidator
] extends [PropertyValidators
] ? OneArgArray
>> : ArgsArray
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends GenericValidator | PropertyValidators | void |
Defined in
Ƭ DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator<ArgsValidator
>: [ArgsValidator
] extends [Validator
, any
, any
>] ? [Infer
>] : [ArgsValidator
] extends [PropertyValidators
] ? [ObjectType
>] : OneArgArray
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends GenericValidator | PropertyValidators | void |
Defined in
Ƭ MutationBuilder<DataModel
, Visibility
>: <ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs>(mutation
: { args?
: ArgsValidator
; returns?
: ReturnsValidator
; handler
: (ctx
: GenericMutationCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
} | (ctx
: GenericMutationCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
) => RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Type declaration
▸ <ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give mutationGeneric a type specific to your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
mutation | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Defined in
Ƭ MutationBuilderWithTable<DataModel
, Visibility
>: <ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs>(mutation
: { args?
: ArgsValidator
; returns?
: ReturnsValidator
; handler
: (ctx
: GenericMutationCtxWithTable
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
} | (ctx
: GenericMutationCtxWithTable
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
) => RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Type declaration
▸ <ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give mutationGeneric a type specific to your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
mutation | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericMutationCtxWithTable <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericMutationCtxWithTable <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Defined in
Ƭ QueryBuilder<DataModel
, Visibility
>: <ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs>(query
: { args?
: ArgsValidator
; returns?
: ReturnsValidator
; handler
: (ctx
: GenericQueryCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
} | (ctx
: GenericQueryCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
) => RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Type declaration
▸ <ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give queryGeneric a type specific to your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
query | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Defined in
Ƭ QueryBuilderWithTable<DataModel
, Visibility
>: <ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs>(query
: { args?
: ArgsValidator
; returns?
: ReturnsValidator
; handler
: (ctx
: GenericQueryCtxWithTable
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
} | (ctx
: GenericQueryCtxWithTable
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
) => RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Type declaration
▸ <ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give queryGeneric a type specific to your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
query | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericQueryCtxWithTable <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericQueryCtxWithTable <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Defined in
Ƭ ActionBuilder<DataModel
, Visibility
>: <ArgsValidator, ReturnsValidator, ReturnValue, OneOrZeroArgs>(func
: { args?
: ArgsValidator
; returns?
: ReturnsValidator
; handler
: (ctx
: GenericActionCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
} | (ctx
: GenericActionCtx
>, ...args
: OneOrZeroArgs
) => ReturnValue
) => RegisteredAction
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
Visibility | extends FunctionVisibility |
Type declaration
▸ <ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredAction
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give actionGeneric a type specific to your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
func | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericActionCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericActionCtx <DataModel >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Defined in
Ƭ HttpActionBuilder: (func
: (ctx
: GenericActionCtx
>, request
: Request
) => Promise
>) => PublicHttpAction
Type declaration
▸ (func
): PublicHttpAction
Internal type helper used by Convex code generation.
Used to give httpActionGeneric a type specific to your data model and functions.
Name | Type |
func | (ctx : GenericActionCtx <any >, request : Request ) => Promise <Response > |
Defined in
Ƭ RoutableMethod: typeof ROUTABLE_HTTP_METHODS
A type representing the methods supported by Convex HTTP actions.
HEAD is handled by Convex by running GET and stripping the body. CONNECT is not supported and will not be supported. TRACE is not supported and will not be supported.
Defined in
Ƭ RouteSpecWithPath: Object
A type representing a route to an HTTP action using an exact request URL path match.
Used by HttpRouter to route requests to HTTP actions.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
path | string | Exact HTTP request path to route. |
method | RoutableMethod | HTTP method ("GET", "POST", ...) to route. |
handler | PublicHttpAction | The HTTP action to execute. |
Defined in
Ƭ RouteSpecWithPathPrefix: Object
A type representing a route to an HTTP action using a request URL path prefix match.
Used by HttpRouter to route requests to HTTP actions.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
pathPrefix | string | An HTTP request path prefix to route. Requests with a path starting with this value will be routed to the HTTP action. |
method | RoutableMethod | HTTP method ("GET", "POST", ...) to route. |
handler | PublicHttpAction | The HTTP action to execute. |
Defined in
Ƭ RouteSpec: RouteSpecWithPath
| RouteSpecWithPathPrefix
A type representing a route to an HTTP action.
Used by HttpRouter to route requests to HTTP actions.
Defined in
Ƭ SchedulableFunctionReference: FunctionReference
| "action"
, "public"
| "internal"
A FunctionReference that can be scheduled to run in the future.
Schedulable functions are mutations and actions that are public or internal.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericSchema: Record
, TableDefinition
A type describing the schema of a Convex project.
This should be constructed using defineSchema, defineTable, and v.
Defined in
Ƭ DataModelFromSchemaDefinition<SchemaDef
>: MaybeMakeLooseDataModel
<{ [TableName in keyof SchemaDef["tables"] & string]: SchemaDef["tables"][TableName] extends TableDefinition<infer DocumentType, infer Indexes, infer SearchIndexes, infer VectorIndexes> ? Object : never }, SchemaDef
Internal type used in Convex code generation!
Convert a SchemaDefinition into a GenericDataModel.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
SchemaDef | extends SchemaDefinition <any , boolean > |
Defined in
Ƭ SystemTableNames: TableNamesInDataModel
Defined in
Ƭ StorageId: string
A reference to a file in storage.
This is used in the StorageReader and StorageWriter which are accessible in Convex queries and mutations via QueryCtx and MutationCtx respectively.
Defined in
Ƭ FileStorageId: GenericId
> | StorageId
Defined in
Ƭ FileMetadata: Object
Metadata for a single file as returned by storage.getMetadata.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
storageId | StorageId | ID for referencing the file (eg. via storage.getUrl) |
sha256 | string | Hex encoded sha256 checksum of file contents |
size | number | Size of the file in bytes |
contentType | string | null | ContentType of the file if it was provided on upload |
Defined in
Ƭ SystemFields: Object
The fields that Convex automatically adds to documents, not including _id
This is an object type mapping field name to field type.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
_creationTime | number |
Defined in
Ƭ IdField<TableName
>: Object
The _id
field that Convex automatically adds to documents.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
TableName | extends string |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
_id | GenericId <TableName > |
Defined in
Ƭ WithoutSystemFields<Document
>: Expand
, keyof SystemFields
| "_id"
A Convex document with the system fields like _id
and _creationTime
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Document | extends GenericDocument |
Defined in
Ƭ WithOptionalSystemFields<Document
>: Expand
> & Partial
, keyof SystemFields
| "_id"
A Convex document with the system fields like _id
and _creationTime
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Document | extends GenericDocument |
Defined in
Ƭ SystemIndexes: Object
The indexes that Convex automatically adds to every table.
This is an object mapping index names to index field paths.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
by_id | ["_id" ] |
by_creation_time | ["_creationTime" ] |
Defined in
Ƭ IndexTiebreakerField: "_creationTime"
Convex automatically appends "_creationTime" to the end of every index to break ties if all of the other fields are identical.
Defined in
Ƭ VectorSearch<DataModel
, TableName
, IndexName
>: (tableName
: TableName
, indexName
: IndexName
, query
: VectorSearchQuery
, TableName
>, IndexName
>) => Promise
<{ _id
: GenericId
> ; _score
: number
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DataModel | extends GenericDataModel |
TableName | extends TableNamesInDataModel <DataModel > |
IndexName | extends VectorIndexNames <NamedTableInfo <DataModel , TableName >> |
Type declaration
▸ (tableName
, indexName
, query
): Promise
<{ _id
: GenericId
> ; _score
: number
Name | Type |
tableName | TableName |
indexName | IndexName |
query | VectorSearchQuery <NamedTableInfo <DataModel , TableName >, IndexName > |
<{ _id
: GenericId
> ; _score
: number
Defined in
Ƭ Expand<ObjectType
>: ObjectType
extends Record
, any
> ? { [Key in keyof ObjectType]: ObjectType[Key] } : never
Hack! This type causes TypeScript to simplify how it renders object types.
It is functionally the identity for object types, but in practice it can
simplify expressions like A & B
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ObjectType | extends Record <any , any > |
Defined in
Ƭ BetterOmit<T
, K
>: { [Property in keyof T as Property extends K ? never : Property]: T[Property] }
An Omit<>
type that:
- Applies to each element of a union.
- Preserves the index signature of the underlying type.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | T |
K | extends keyof T |
Defined in
• Const
anyApi: AnyApi
A utility for constructing FunctionReferences in projects that are not using code generation.
You can create a reference to a function like:
const reference = anyApi.myModule.myFunction;
This supports accessing any path regardless of what directories and modules are in your project. All function references are typed as AnyFunctionReference.
If you're using code generation, use api
from convex/_generated/api
instead. It will be more type-safe and produce better auto-complete
in your editor.
Defined in
• Const
paginationOptsValidator: VObject
<{ id
: undefined
| number
; endCursor
: undefined
| null
| string
; maximumRowsRead
: undefined
| number
; maximumBytesRead
: undefined
| number
; numItems
: number
; cursor
: null
| string
}, { numItems
: VFloat64
, "required"
> ; cursor
: VUnion
| string
, [VString
, "required"
>, VNull
, "required"
>], "required"
, never
> ; endCursor
: VUnion
| null
| string
, [VString
, "required"
>, VNull
, "required"
>], "optional"
, never
> ; id
: VFloat64
| number
, "optional"
> ; maximumRowsRead
: VFloat64
| number
, "optional"
> ; maximumBytesRead
: VFloat64
| number
, "optional"
> }, "required"
, "id"
| "numItems"
| "cursor"
| "endCursor"
| "maximumRowsRead"
| "maximumBytesRead"
A Validator for PaginationOptions.
This includes the standard PaginationOptions properties along with
an optional cache-busting id
property used by usePaginatedQuery.
Defined in
• Const
, "POST"
, "PUT"
A list of the methods supported by Convex HTTP actions.
HEAD is handled by Convex by running GET and stripping the body. CONNECT is not supported and will not be supported. TRACE is not supported and will not be supported.
Defined in
▸ getFunctionName(functionReference
): string
Get the name of a function from a FunctionReference.
The name is a string like "myDir/myModule:myFunction". If the exported name
of the function is "default"
, the function name is omitted
(e.g. "myDir/myModule").
Name | Type | Description |
functionReference | AnyFunctionReference | A FunctionReference to get the name of. |
A string of the function's name.
Defined in
▸ makeFunctionReference<type
, args
, ret
): FunctionReference
, "public"
, args
, ret
FunctionReferences generally come from generated code, but in custom clients it may be useful to be able to build one manually.
Real function references are empty objects at runtime, but the same interface can be implemented with an object for tests and clients which don't use code generation.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
type | extends FunctionType |
args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs = any |
ret | any |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The identifier of the function. E.g. path/to/file:functionName |
, "public"
, args
, ret
Defined in
▸ filterApi<API
, Predicate
): FilterApi
, Predicate
Given an api of type API and a FunctionReference subtype, return an api object containing only the function references that match.
const q = filterApi<typeof api, FunctionReference<"query">>(api)
Type parameters
Name |
Predicate |
Name | Type |
api | API |
, Predicate
Defined in
▸ createFunctionHandle<Type
, Args
, ReturnType
): Promise
, Args
, ReturnType
Create a serializable reference to a Convex function.
Passing a this reference to another component allows that component to call this
function during the current function execution or at any later time.
Function handles are used like api.folder.function
e.g. ctx.scheduler.runAfter(0, functionReference, args)
A function reference is stable across code pushes but it's possible the Convex function it refers to might no longer exist.
This is a feature of components, which are in beta. This API is unstable and may change in subsequent releases.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Type | extends FunctionType |
Args | extends DefaultFunctionArgs |
ReturnType | ReturnType |
Name | Type |
functionReference | FunctionReference <Type , "public" | "internal" , Args , ReturnType > |
, Args
, ReturnType
Defined in
▸ defineComponent<Exports
): ComponentDefinition
Define a component, a piece of a Convex deployment with namespaced resources.
The default the default export of a module like "cool-component/convex.config.js" is a `@link ComponentDefinition}, but during component definition evaluation this is its type instead.
@param name Name must be alphanumeric plus underscores. Typically these are
lowercase with underscores like "onboarding_flow_tracker"
This is a feature of components, which are in beta. This API is unstable and may change in subsequent releases.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Exports | extends ComponentExports = any |
Name | Type |
name | string |
Defined in
▸ defineApp(): AppDefinition
Attach components, reuseable pieces of a Convex deployment, to this Convex app.
This is a feature of components, which are in beta. This API is unstable and may change in subsequent releases.
Defined in
▸ componentsGeneric(): AnyChildComponents
Defined in
▸ getFunctionAddress(functionReference
): { functionHandle
: string
= functionReference; name?
: undefined
; reference?
: undefined
= referencePath } | { functionHandle?
: undefined
= functionReference; name
: any
; reference?
: undefined
= referencePath } | { functionHandle?
: undefined
= functionReference; name?
: undefined
; reference
: string
= referencePath }
Name | Type |
functionReference | any |
{ functionHandle
: string
= functionReference; name?
: undefined
; reference?
: undefined
= referencePath } | { functionHandle?
: undefined
= functionReference; name
: any
; reference?
: undefined
= referencePath } | { functionHandle?
: undefined
= functionReference; name?
: undefined
; reference
: string
= referencePath }
Defined in
▸ cronJobs(): Crons
Create a CronJobs object to schedule recurring tasks.
// convex/crons.js
import { cronJobs } from 'convex/server';
import { api } from "./_generated/api";
const crons = cronJobs();
"weekly re-engagement email",
hourUTC: 17, // (9:30am Pacific/10:30am Daylight Savings Pacific)
minuteUTC: 30,
export default crons;
Defined in
▸ mutationGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define a mutation in this Convex app's public API.
This function will be allowed to modify your Convex database and will be accessible from the client.
If you're using code generation, use the mutation
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
mutation | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped mutation. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ internalMutationGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredMutation
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define a mutation that is only accessible from other Convex functions (but not from the client).
This function will be allowed to modify your Convex database. It will not be accessible from the client.
If you're using code generation, use the internalMutation
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
mutation | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericMutationCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped mutation. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ queryGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define a query in this Convex app's public API.
This function will be allowed to read your Convex database and will be accessible from the client.
If you're using code generation, use the query
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
query | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped query. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ internalQueryGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredQuery
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define a query that is only accessible from other Convex functions (but not from the client).
This function will be allowed to read from your Convex database. It will not be accessible from the client.
If you're using code generation, use the internalQuery
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type |
query | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericQueryCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped query. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ actionGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredAction
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define an action in this Convex app's public API.
If you're using code generation, use the action
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type | Description |
func | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericActionCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericActionCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue | The function. It receives a GenericActionCtx as its first argument. |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped function. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ internalActionGeneric<ArgsValidator
, ReturnsValidator
, ReturnValue
, OneOrZeroArgs
): RegisteredAction
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
Define an action that is only accessible from other Convex functions (but not from the client).
If you're using code generation, use the internalAction
function in
which is typed for your data model.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
ArgsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnsValidator | extends void | Validator <any , "required" , any > | PropertyValidators |
ReturnValue | extends any = any |
OneOrZeroArgs | extends ArgsArray | OneArgArray <Infer <ArgsValidator >> | OneArgArray <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<ArgsValidator[Property]> }>> = DefaultArgsForOptionalValidator <ArgsValidator > |
Name | Type | Description |
func | { args? : ArgsValidator ; returns? : ReturnsValidator ; handler : (ctx : GenericActionCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue } | (ctx : GenericActionCtx <any >, ...args : OneOrZeroArgs ) => ReturnValue | The function. It receives a GenericActionCtx as its first argument. |
, ArgsArrayToObject
>, ReturnValue
The wrapped function. Include this as an export
to name it and make it accessible.
Defined in
▸ httpActionGeneric(func
): PublicHttpAction
Define a Convex HTTP action.
Name | Type | Description |
func | (ctx : GenericActionCtx <GenericDataModel >, request : Request ) => Promise <Response > | The function. It receives an GenericActionCtx as its first argument, and a Request object as its second. |
The wrapped function. Route a URL path to this function in convex/http.js
Defined in
▸ httpRouter(): HttpRouter
Return a new HttpRouter object.
Defined in
▸ defineTable<DocumentSchema
): TableDefinition
Define a table in a schema.
You can either specify the schema of your documents as an object like
field: v.string()
or as a schema type like
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DocumentSchema | extends Validator <Record <string , any >, "required" , any > |
Name | Type | Description |
documentSchema | DocumentSchema | The type of documents stored in this table. |
A TableDefinition for the table.
Defined in
▸ defineTable<DocumentSchema
): TableDefinition
>, DocumentSchema
Define a table in a schema.
You can either specify the schema of your documents as an object like
field: v.string()
or as a schema type like
Type parameters
Name | Type |
DocumentSchema | extends Record <string , GenericValidator > |
Name | Type | Description |
documentSchema | DocumentSchema | The type of documents stored in this table. |
>, DocumentSchema
A TableDefinition for the table.
Defined in
▸ defineSchema<Schema
, StrictTableNameTypes
, options?
): SchemaDefinition
, StrictTableNameTypes
Define the schema of this Convex project.
This should be exported from a schema.ts
file in your convex/
export default defineSchema({
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Schema | extends GenericSchema |
StrictTableNameTypes | extends boolean = true |
Name | Type | Description |
schema | Schema | A map from table name to TableDefinition for all of the tables in this project. |
options? | DefineSchemaOptions <StrictTableNameTypes > | Optional configuration. See DefineSchemaOptions for a full description. |
, StrictTableNameTypes
The schema.