Module: browser
Tools for accessing Convex in the browser.
If you are using React, use the react module instead.
Create a ConvexHttpClient to connect to the Convex Cloud.
import { ConvexHttpClient } from "convex/browser";
// typically loaded from an environment variable
const address = "";
const convex = new ConvexHttpClient(address);
Type Aliases
Ƭ ConvexClientOptions: BaseConvexClientOptions
& { disabled?
: boolean
; unsavedChangesWarning?
: boolean
Defined in
Ƭ ConnectionState: Object
State describing the client's connection with the Convex backend.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
hasInflightRequests | boolean | - |
isWebSocketConnected | boolean | - |
timeOfOldestInflightRequest | Date | null | - |
hasEverConnected | boolean | True if the client has ever opened a WebSocket to the "ready" state. |
connectionCount | number | The number of times this client has connected to the Convex backend. A number of things can cause the client to reconnect -- server errors, bad internet, auth expiring. But this number being high is an indication that the client is having trouble keeping a stable connection. |
connectionRetries | number | The number of times this client has tried (and failed) to connect to the Convex backend. |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionResult: FunctionSuccess
| FunctionFailure
The result of running a function on the server.
If the function hit an exception it will have an errorMessage
. Otherwise
it will produce a Value
Defined in
Ƭ OptimisticUpdate<Args
>: (localQueryStore
: OptimisticLocalStore
, args
: Args
) => void
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Args | extends Record <string , Value > |
Type declaration
▸ (localQueryStore
, args
): void
A temporary, local update to query results within this client.
This update will always be executed when a mutation is synced to the Convex server and rolled back when the mutation completes.
Note that optimistic updates can be called multiple times! If the client loads new data while the mutation is in progress, the update will be replayed again.
Name | Type | Description |
localQueryStore | OptimisticLocalStore | An interface to read and edit local query results. |
args | Args | The arguments to the mutation. |
Defined in
Ƭ QueryJournal: string
| null
A serialized representation of decisions made during a query's execution.
A journal is produced when a query function first executes and is re-used when a query is re-executed.
Currently this is used to store pagination end cursors to ensure that pages of paginated queries will always end at the same cursor. This enables gapless, reactive pagination.
is used to represent empty journals.
Defined in
Ƭ QueryToken: string
A string representing the name and arguments of a query.
This is used by the BaseConvexClient.
Defined in
Ƭ UserIdentityAttributes: Omit
, "tokenIdentifier"