Module: values
Utilities for working with values stored in Convex.
You can see the full set of supported types at Types.
- ConvexError
- VId
- VFloat64
- VInt64
- VBoolean
- VBytes
- VString
- VNull
- VAny
- VObject
- VLiteral
- VArray
- VRecord
- VUnion
Type Aliases
Ƭ GenericValidator: Validator
, any
, any
The type that all validators must extend.
Defined in
Ƭ AsObjectValidator<V
>: V
extends Validator
, any
, any
> ? V
: V
extends PropertyValidators
? Validator
>> : never
Coerce an object with validators as properties to a validator. If a validator is passed, return it.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
V | extends Validator <any , any , any > | PropertyValidators |
Defined in
Ƭ PropertyValidators: Record
, Validator
, OptionalProperty
, any
Validators for each property of an object.
This is represented as an object mapping the property name to its Validator.
Defined in
Ƭ ObjectType<Fields
>: Expand
<{ [Property in OptionalKeys<Fields>]?: Exclude<Infer<Fields[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in RequiredKeys<Fields>]: Infer<Fields[Property]> }>
Compute the type of an object from PropertyValidators.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Fields | extends PropertyValidators |
Defined in
Ƭ Infer<T
>: T
Extract a TypeScript type from a validator.
Example usage:
const objectSchema = v.object({
property: v.string(),
type MyObject = Infer<typeof objectSchema>; // { property: string }
Type Param
The type of a Validator constructed with v.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends Validator <any , OptionalProperty , any > |
Defined in
Ƭ VOptional<T
>: T
extends VId
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VId
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VString
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VString
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VFloat64
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VFloat64
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VInt64
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VInt64
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VBoolean
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VBoolean
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VNull
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VNull
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VAny
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VAny
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VLiteral
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VLiteral
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VBytes
<infer Type, OptionalProperty
> ? VBytes
| undefined
, "optional"
> : T
extends VObject
<infer Type, infer Fields, OptionalProperty
, infer FieldPaths> ? VObject
| undefined
, Fields
, "optional"
, FieldPaths
> : T
extends VArray
<infer Type, infer Element, OptionalProperty
> ? VArray
| undefined
, Element
, "optional"
> : T
extends VRecord
<infer Type, infer Key, infer Value, OptionalProperty
, infer FieldPaths> ? VRecord
| undefined
, Key
, Value
, "optional"
, FieldPaths
> : T
extends VUnion
<infer Type, infer Members, OptionalProperty
, infer FieldPaths> ? VUnion
| undefined
, Members
, "optional"
, FieldPaths
> : never
Type parameters
Name | Type |
T | extends Validator <any , OptionalProperty , any > |
Defined in
Ƭ OptionalProperty: "optional"
| "required"
Type representing whether a property in an object is optional or required.
Defined in
Ƭ Validator<Type
, IsOptional
, FieldPaths
>: VId
, IsOptional
> | VString
, IsOptional
> | VFloat64
, IsOptional
> | VInt64
, IsOptional
> | VBoolean
, IsOptional
> | VNull
, IsOptional
> | VAny
, IsOptional
> | VLiteral
, IsOptional
> | VBytes
, IsOptional
> | VObject
, Record
, Validator
, OptionalProperty
, any
>>, IsOptional
, FieldPaths
> | VArray
, Validator
, "required"
, any
>, IsOptional
> | VRecord
, Validator
, "required"
, any
>, Validator
, "required"
, any
>, IsOptional
, FieldPaths
> | VUnion
, Validator
, "required"
, any
>[], IsOptional
, FieldPaths
A validator for a Convex value.
This should be constructed using the validator builder, v.
A validator encapsulates:
- The TypeScript type of this value.
- Whether this field should be optional if it's included in an object.
- The TypeScript type for the set of index field paths that can be used to build indexes on this value.
- A JSON representation of the validator.
Specific types of validators contain additional information: for example
an ArrayValidator
contains an element
property with the validator
used to validate each element of the list. Use the shared 'kind' property
to identity the type of validator.
More validators can be added in future releases so an exhaustive
switch statement on validator kind
should be expected to break
in future releases of Convex.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Type | Type |
IsOptional | extends OptionalProperty = "required" |
FieldPaths | extends string = never |
Defined in
Ƭ ObjectFieldType: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
fieldType | ValidatorJSON |
optional | boolean |
Defined in
Ƭ ValidatorJSON: { type
: "null"
} | { type
: "number"
} | { type
: "bigint"
} | { type
: "boolean"
} | { type
: "string"
} | { type
: "bytes"
} | { type
: "any"
} | { type
: "literal"
; value
: JSONValue
} | { type
: "id"
; tableName
: string
} | { type
: "array"
; value
: ValidatorJSON
} | { type
: "record"
; keys
: RecordKeyValidatorJSON
; values
: RecordValueValidatorJSON
} | { type
: "object"
; value
: Record
, ObjectFieldType
> } | { type
: "union"
; value
: ValidatorJSON
[] }
Defined in
Ƭ RecordKeyValidatorJSON: { type
: "string"
} | { type
: "id"
; tableName
: string
} | { type
: "union"
; value
: RecordKeyValidatorJSON
[] }
Defined in
Ƭ RecordValueValidatorJSON: ObjectFieldType
& { optional
: false
Defined in
Ƭ JSONValue: null
| boolean
| number
| string
| JSONValue
[] | { [key: string]
: JSONValue
; }
The type of JavaScript values serializable to JSON.
Defined in
Ƭ GenericId<TableName
>: string
& { __tableName
: TableName
An identifier for a document in Convex.
Convex documents are uniquely identified by their Id
, which is accessible
on the _id
field. To learn more, see Document IDs.
Documents can be loaded using db.get(id)
in query and mutation functions.
IDs are base 32 encoded strings which are URL safe.
IDs are just strings at runtime, but this type can be used to distinguish them from other strings at compile time.
If you're using code generation, use the Id
type generated for your data model in
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
TableName | extends string | A string literal type of the table name (like "users"). |
Defined in
Ƭ Value: null
| bigint
| number
| boolean
| string
| ArrayBuffer
| Value
[] | { [key: string]
: undefined
| Value
; }
A value supported by Convex.
Values can be:
- stored inside of documents.
- used as arguments and return types to queries and mutation functions.
You can see the full set of supported types at Types.
Defined in
Ƭ NumericValue: bigint
| number
The types of Value that can be used to represent numbers.
Defined in
• Const
v: Object
The validator builder.
This builder allows you to build validators for Convex values.
Validators can be used in schema definitions and as input validators for Convex functions.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
id | <TableName>(tableName : TableName ) => VId <GenericId <TableName >, "required" > |
null | () => VNull <null , "required" > |
number | () => VFloat64 <number , "required" > |
float64 | () => VFloat64 <number , "required" > |
bigint | () => VInt64 <bigint , "required" > |
int64 | () => VInt64 <bigint , "required" > |
boolean | () => VBoolean <boolean , "required" > |
string | () => VString <string , "required" > |
bytes | () => VBytes <ArrayBuffer , "required" > |
literal | <T>(literal : T ) => VLiteral <T , "required" > |
array | <T>(element : T ) => VArray <T ["type" ][], T , "required" > |
object | <T>(fields : T ) => VObject <Expand <{ [Property in string | number | symbol]?: Exclude<Infer<T[Property]>, undefined> } & { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Infer<T[Property]> }>, T , "required" , { [Property in string | number | symbol]: Property | `${Property & string}.${T[Property]["fieldPaths"]}` }[keyof T ] & string > |
record | <Key, Value>(keys : Key , values : Value ) => VRecord <Record <Infer <Key >, Value ["type" ]>, Key , Value , "required" , string > |
union | <T>(...members : T ) => VUnion <T [number ]["type" ], T , "required" , T [number ]["fieldPaths" ]> |
any | () => VAny <any , "required" , string > |
optional | <T>(value : T ) => VOptional <T > |
Defined in
▸ asObjectValidator<V
): V
extends Validator
, any
, any
> ? V
: V
extends PropertyValidators
? Validator
>> : never
Coerce an object with validators as properties to a validator. If a validator is passed, return it.
Type parameters
Name | Type |
V | extends Validator <any , any , any > | PropertyValidators |
Name | Type |
obj | V |
extends Validator
, any
, any
> ? V
: V
extends PropertyValidators
? Validator
>> : never
Defined in
▸ jsonToConvex(value
): Value
Parse a Convex value from its JSON representation.
This function will deserialize serialized Int64s to BigInt
s, Bytes to ArrayBuffer
s etc.
To learn more about Convex values, see Types.
Name | Type | Description |
value | JSONValue | The JSON representation of a Convex value previously created with convexToJson. |
The JavaScript representation of the Convex value.
Defined in
▸ convexToJson(value
): JSONValue
Convert a Convex value to its JSON representation.
Use jsonToConvex to recreate the original value.
To learn more about Convex values, see Types.
Name | Type | Description |
value | Value | A Convex value to convert into JSON. |
The JSON representation of value