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Log Streams

Log streams enable streaming of events such as function executions and console.logs from your Convex deployment to supported destinations, such as Axiom, Datadog, or a custom webhook.

The most recent logs produced by your Convex deployment can be viewed in the Dashboard Logs page, the Convex CLI, or in the browser console, providing a quick and easy way to view recent logs.

Log streaming to a third-party destination like Axiom or Datadog enables storing historical logs, more powerful querying and data visualization, and integrations with other tools (e.g. PagerDuty, Slack).

Log streams require a Convex Pro plan.

Log streams require a Convex Pro plan. Learn more about our plans or upgrade.

Log streams are in beta

Log streams are currently a beta feature. If you have feedback or feature requests, let us know on Discord!

Configuring log streams

We currently support the following log streams, with plans to support many more:

See the instructions for configuring an integration. The specific information needed for each log stream is covered below.


Configuring an Axiom log stream requires specifying:

  • The name of your Axiom dataset
  • An Axiom API key
  • An optional list of attributes and their values to be included in all log events send to Axiom. These will be sent via the attributes field in the Ingest API.


Configuring a Datadog log stream requires specifying:

  • The site location of your Datadog deployment
  • A Datadog API key
  • A comma-separated list of tags that will be passed using the ddtags field in all payloads sent to Datadog. This can be used to include any other metadata that can be useful for querying or categorizing your Convex logs ingested by your Datadog deployment.


A webhook log stream is the simplest and most generic stream, allowing piping logs via POST requests to any URL you configure. The only parameter required to set up this stream is the desired webhook URL.

A request to this webhook contains as its body a JSON array of events in the schema defined below.

Log event schema (beta)


Log streams configured before May 23, 2024 will use the legacy format documented on this page. We recommend updating your log stream to use the new format.

Log events have a well-defined JSON schema that allow building complex, type-safe pipelines ingesting log events.

This data model is currently in beta, so is subject to change.

All events will have the following two fields:

  • topic: string, categorizes a log event, one of ["verification", "console", "function_execution", "audit_log"]
  • timestamp: number, Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds as an integer

verification events

This is an event sent to confirm the log stream is working. Schema:

  • topic: "verification"
  • timestamp: Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds
  • message: string

console events

Convex function logs via the console API.


  • topic: "console"
  • timestamp: Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds
  • function: object, see function fields
  • log_level: string, one of ["DEBUG", "INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR"]
  • message: string, the object-inspect representation of the console.log payload
  • is_truncated: boolean, whether this message was truncated to fit within our logging limits
  • system_code: optional string, present for automatically added warnings when functions are approaching limits

Example event for console.log("Sent message!") from a mutation:

"topic": "console"
"timestamp": 1715879172882,
"function": {
"path": "messages:send",
"request_id": "d064ef901f7ec0b7",
"type": "mutation"
"log_level": "LOG",
"message": "'Sent message!'"

function_execution events

These events occur whenever a function is run.


  • topic: "console"
  • timestamp: Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds
  • function: object, see function fields
  • execution_time_ms: number, the time in milliseconds this function took to run
  • status: string, one of ["success", "failure"]
  • error_message: string, present for functions with status failure, containing the error and any stack trace.
  • usage:
    • database_read_bytes: number
    • database_write_bytes: number, this and database_read_bytes make up the database bandwidth used by the function
    • file_storage_read_bytes: number
    • file_storage_write_bytes: number, this and file_storage_read_bytes make up the file bandwidth used by the function
    • vector_storage_read_bytes: number
    • vector_storage_write_bytes: number, this and vector_storage_read_bytes make up the vector bandwidth used by the function
    • action_memory_used_mb: number, for actions, the memory used in MiB. This combined with execution_time_ms makes up the action compute.

Example event for a query:

"data": {
"execution_time_ms": 294,
"function": {
"cached": false,
"path": "message:list",
"request_id": "892104e63bd39d9a",
"type": "query"
"status": "success",
"timestamp": 1715973841548,
"topic": "function_execution",
"usage": {
"database_read_bytes": 1077,
"database_write_bytes": 0,
"file_storage_read_bytes": 0,
"file_storage_write_bytes": 0,
"vector_storage_read_bytes": 0,
"vector_storage_write_bytes": 0

Function fields

The following fields are added under function for all console and function_execution events:

  • type: string, one of ["query", "mutation", "action", "http_action"]
  • path: string, e.g. "myDir/myFile:myFunction", or "POST /my_endpoint"
  • cached: optional boolean, for queries this denotes whether this event came from a cached function execution
  • request_id: string, the request ID of the function.

audit_log events

These events represent changes to your deployment, which also show up in the History tab in the dashboard.


  • topic: audit_log
  • timestamp: Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds
  • audit_log_action: string, e.g. "create_environment_variable", "push_config", "change_deployment_state"
  • audit_log_metadata: string, stringified JSON holding metadata about the event. The exact format of this event may change.

Example push_config audit log:

"topic": "audit_log",
"timestamp": 1714421999886,
"audit_log_action": "push_config",
"audit_log_metadata": "{\"auth\":{\"added\":[],\"removed\":[]},\"crons\":{\"added\":[],\"deleted\":[],\"updated\":[]},..."


Log events provide a best-effort delivery guarantee. Log streams are buffered in-memory and sent out in batches to your deployment's configured streams. This means that logs can be dropped if ingestion throughput is too high. Similarly, due to network retries, it is possible for a log event to be duplicated in a log stream.

That's it! Your logs are now configured to stream out. If there is a log streaming destination that you would like to see supported, please let us know!