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Project Configuration

Local development

When you're developing locally you need two pieces of information:

  1. The name of your dev deployment. This is where your functions are pushed to and served from. It is stored in the CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT environment variable. npx convex dev writes it to the .env.local file.
  2. The URL of your dev deployment, for your client to connect to. The name of the variable and which file it can be read from varies between client frameworks. npx convex dev writes the URL to the .env.local or .env file.

Production deployment

You should only be deploying to your production deployment once you have tested your changes on your local deployment. When you're ready, you can deploy either via a hosting/CI provider or from your local machine.

For a CI environment you can follow the hosting docs. npx convex deploy run by the CI pipeline will use the CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY, and the frontend build command will use the deployment URL variable, both configured in your CI environment.

You can also deploy your backend from your local machine. npx convex deploy will ask for a confirmation and then deploy to the production deployment in the same project as your configured development CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT.

Changing the convex/ folder name or location

If you need to change the name or location of the convex/ folder for any reason, you can do so using the convex.json file at the root of your project.

For example, Create React App doesn't allow importing from outside the src/ directory, so if you're using Create React App you should have the following config:

"functions": "src/convex/"