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Multiple Repositories

Your TypeScript clients can call Convex functions in a type-safe way outside of the repository where your Convex functions are defined. By following the steps below, you can generate a file similar to convex/_generated/api.d.ts that you can check in and use in a separate repository.

TypeScript API generation is in beta

TypeScript API generation is currently a beta feature. If you have feedback or feature requests, let us know on Discord!

  1. Install the Convex Helpers npm package

    Install the convex-helpers package, which contains a CLI command to generate an api file.

    npm install convex-helpers
  2. Run a command to generate a TypeScript API file

    Running this command will call into your configured Convex deployment and generate an api.ts file based on it. You can see additional flags by passing --help to the command.

    npx convex-helpers ts-api-spec


Below are code snippets of what this workflow looks like in action. These snippets include three different files:

  • convex/messages.ts - contains Convex function definitions
  • api.ts - a generated file from running the command above
  • src/App.tsx - frontend code in a separate repository where api.ts is checked in
import { v } from "convex/values";
import { mutation } from "./_generated/server";

export const send = mutation({
args: { body: v.string(), author: v.string() },
returns: v.null(),
handler: async (ctx, { body, author }) => {
const message = { body, author };
await ctx.db.insert("messages", message);
import { FunctionReference, anyApi } from "convex/server";

export const api: PublicApiType = anyApi as unknown as PublicApiType;

export type PublicApiType = {
messages: {
send: FunctionReference<
{ author: string; body: string },
import { FormEvent, useState } from "react";
import { useMutation } from "convex/react";
// Note: This file is importing from the file we generated,`api`,
// and not from `../convex/_generated/api`
import { api } from "../api";

export default function App() {
const [newMessageText, setNewMessageText] = useState("");
const sendMessage = useMutation(api.messages.send);

const [name] = useState(() => "User " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));
async function handleSendMessage(event: FormEvent) {
await sendMessage({ body: newMessageText, author: name });
return (
<h1>Send Messages</h1>
<form onSubmit={handleSendMessage}>
onChange={(event) => setNewMessageText(}
placeholder="Write a message…"
<input type="submit" value="Send" disabled={!newMessageText} />


  • Argument and return value validators are not required, but they will enrich the types of your TypeScript API. Where validators aren't defined, we default to v.any() as the validator.
  • You cannot call internal functions from outside of your Convex deployment.