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Using Convex with Netlify

Hosting your Convex app on Netlify allows you to automatically re-deploy both your backend and your frontend whenever you push your code.

Deploying to Netlify

This guide assumes you already have a working React app with Convex. If not follow the Convex React Quickstart first. Then:

  1. Create a Netlify account

    If you haven't done so, create a Netlify account. This is free for small projects and should take less than a minute to set up.

  2. Link your project on Netlify

    Create a Netlify project at and link it to the source code repository for your project on GitHub or other Git platform.

    Netlify import project

  3. Override the Build command

    Override the Build command to be npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'.

    If your project lives in a subdirectory of your repository you'll also need to change Base directory in Netlify accordingly.

    Netlify build settings

  4. Set up the CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY environment variable

    On your Convex Dashboard go to your project's Settings page. Click the Generate button to generate a Production deploy key. Then click the copy button to copy the key.

    In Netlify, click Add environment variables and New variable.

    Create an environment variable CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY and paste in your deploy key.

    Netlify environment variable CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY

  5. Deploy your site

    Now click the Deploy button and your work here is done!

Netlify will automatically publish your site to a URL https://<site-name> listed at the top of the site overview page. Every time you push to your git repository, Netlify will automatically deploy your Convex functions and publish your site changes.

Using a Custom Domain?

If you're using a custom domain to serve your Convex functions, you'll need additional configuration. See Custom Domains for more information.

How it works

In Netlify, we overrode the Build Command to be npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build'.

npx convex deploy will read CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY from the environment and use it to set the CONVEX_URL (or similarly named) environment variable to point to your production deployment.

Your frontend framework of choice invoked by npm run build will read the CONVEX_URL environment variable and point your deployed site (via ConvexReactClient) at your production deployment.

Finally, npx convex deploy will push your Convex functions to your production deployment.

Now, your production deployment has your newest functions and your app is configured to connect to it.

You can use --cmd-url-env-var-name to customize the variable name used by your frontend code if the deploy command cannot infer it, like

npx convex deploy --cmd-url-env-var-name CUSTOM_CONVEX_URL --cmd 'npm run build'


You will want to configure your authentication provider (Clerk, Auth0 or other) to accept your production <site-name> URL.

Deploy Previews

Netlify's Deploy Previews allow you to preview changes to your app before they're merged in. In order to preview both changes to frontend code and Convex functions, you can set up Convex preview deployments.

This will create a fresh Convex backend for each preview and leave your production and development deployments unaffected.

This assumes you have already followed the steps in Deploying to Netlify above.

  1. Set up the CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY environment variable

    On your Convex Dashboard go to your project's Settings page. Click the Generate Preview Deploy Key button to generate a Preview deploy key. Then click the copy button to copy the key.

    In Netlify, click Site configuration > Environment variables. Edit your existing CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY environment variable. Select Different value for each deploy context and paste the key under Deploy Previews.

    Netlify environment variable CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY

  2. (optional) Set up default environment variables

    If your app depends on certain Convex environment variables, you can set up default environment variables for preview and development deployments in your project.

    Project Default Environment Variables

  3. (optional) Run a function to set up initial data

    Deploy Previews run against fresh Convex backends, which do not share data with development or production Convex deployments. You can call a Convex function to set up data by adding --preview-run 'functionName' to the npx convex deploy command. This function will only be run for preview deployments, and will be ignored when deploying to production.

    Netlify > Site configuration > Build & deploy > Build settings > Build command
    npx convex deploy --cmd 'npm run build' --preview-run 'functionName'
  4. Now test out creating a PR and generating a Deploy Preview!

    You can find the Convex deployment for your branch in the Convex dashboard.

    Preview Deployment in Deployment Picker

How it works

For Deploy Previews, npx convex deploy will read CONVEX_DEPLOY_KEY from the environment, and use it to create a Convex deployment associated with the Git branch name for the Deploy Preview. It will set the CONVEX_URL (or similarly named) environment variable to point to the new Convex deployment.

Your frontend framework of choice invoked by npm run build will read the CONVEX_URL environment variable and point your deployed site (via ConvexReactClient) at the Convex preview deployment.

Finally, npx convex deploy will push your Convex functions to the preview deployment and run the --preview-run function (if provided). This deployment has separate functions, data, crons and all other configuration from any other deployments.

npx convex deploy will infer the Git branch name for Vercel, Netlify, GitHub, and GitLab environments, but the --preview-create option can be used to customize the name associated with the newly created deployment.

Production deployments will work exactly the same as before.