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Bun can be used to run scripts and servers that use Convex clients and can even run the Convex CLI.

Convex supports point-in-time queries, mutations and actions (see HTTP client) and those plus query subscriptions (see ConvexClient) in Bun.

import { ConvexHttpClient, ConvexClient } from "convex/browser";
import { api } from "./convex/_generated/api.js";

// HTTP client
const httpClient = new ConvexHttpClient(process.env.CONVEX_URL);
httpClient.query(api.messages.list).then((messages) => {

// Subscription client
const client = new ConvexClient(process.env.CONVEX_URL);
const unsubscribe = client.onUpdate(api.messages.list, {}, (messages) =>
await Bun.sleep(1000);
client.mutate(api.messages.send, {}, { body: "hello!", author: "me" });
await Bun.sleep(1000);

Using Convex with Bun without codegen

You can always use the anyApi object or strings if you don't have the Convex functions and api file handy. An api reference like api.folder.file.exportName becomes anyApi.folder.file.exportName or "folder/file:exportName".