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OCC and Atomicity

In Queries, we mentioned that determinism as important in the way optimistic concurrency control (OCC) was used within Convex. In this section, we'll dive much deeper into why.

Convex Financial, Inc.

Imagine that you're building a banking app, and therefore your databases stores accounts with balances. You want your users to be able to give each other money, so you write a mutation function that transfers funds from one user's account to another.

One run of that transaction might read Alice's account balance, and then Bob's. You then propose to deduct $5 from Alice's account and increase Bob's balance by the same $5.

Here's our pseudocode:

$14 <- READ Alice
$11 <- READ Bob
WRITE Alice $9
WRITE Bob $16

This ledger balance transfer is a classic database scenario that requires a guarantee that these write operations will only apply together. It is a really bad thing if only one operation succeeds!

$14 <- READ Alice
$11 <- READ Bob
WRITE Alice $9
*crash* // $5 lost from your bank

You need a guarantee that this can never happen. You require transaction atomicity, and Convex provides it.

The problem of data correctness is much deeper. Concurrent transactions that read and edit the same records can create data races.

In the case of our app it's entirely possible that someone deducts Alice's balance right after we read it. Maybe she bought a Coke Zero at the airport with her debit card for $3.

$5 Transfer                           $3 Debit Card Charge
$14 <- READ Alice
$11 <- READ Bob
$14 <- READ Alice
WRITE Alice $11
WRITE Alice $9 // Free coke!
WRITE Bob $16

Clearly, we need to prevent these types of data races from happening. We need a way to handle these concurrent conflicts. Generally, there are two common approaches.

Most traditional databases choose a pessimistic locking strategy. (Pessimism in this case means the strategy assumes conflict will happen ahead of time so seeks to prevent it.) With pessimistic locking, you first need to acquire a lock on Alice's record, and then acquire a lock on Bob's record. Then you can proceed to conduct your transaction, knowing that any other transaction that needed to touch those records will wait until you are done and all your writes are committed.

After decades of experience, the drawbacks of pessimistic locking are well understood and undeniable. The biggest limitation arises from real-life networks and computers being inherently unreliable. If the lock holder goes missing for whatever reason half way through its transaction, everyone else that wants to modify any of those records is waiting indefinitely. Not good!

Optimistic concurrency control is, as the name states, optimistic. It assumes the transaction will succeed and doesn't worry about locking anything ahead of time. Very brash! How can it be so sure?

It does this by treating the transaction as a declarative proposal to write records on the basis of any read record versions (the "read set"). At the end of the transaction, the writes all commit if every version in the read set is still the latest version of that record. This means no concurrent conflict occurred.

Now using our version read set, let's see how OCC would have prevented the soda-catastrophe above:

$5 Transfer                           $3 Debit Card Charge
(v1, $14) <- READ Alice
(v7, $11) <- READ Bob
(v1, $14) <- READ Alice
WRITE Alice $11
IF Alice.v = v1

WRITE Alice = $9, Bob = $16
IF Alice.v = v1, Bob.v = v7 // Fails! Alice is = v2

This is akin to being unable to push your Git repository because you're not at HEAD. We all know in that circumstance, we need to pull, and rebase or merge, etc.

When OCC loses, determinism wins

A naive optimistic concurrency control solution would be to solve this the same way that Git does: require the user/application to resolve the conflict and determine if it is safe to retry.

In Convex, however, we don't need to do that. We know the transaction is deterministic. It didn't charge money to Stripe, it didn't write a permanent value out to the filesystem. It had no effect at all other than proposing some atomic changes to Convex tables that were not applied.

The determinism means that we can simply re-run the transaction; you never need to worry about temporary data races. We can run several retries if necessary until we succeed to execute the transaction without any conflicts.


In fact, the Git analogy stays very apt. An OCC conflict means we cannot push because our HEAD is out of date, so we need to rebase our changes and try again. And determinism is what guarantees there is never a "merge conflict", so (unlike with Git) this rebase operation will always eventually succeed without developer intervention.

Snapshot Isolation vs Serializability

It is common for optimistic multi-version concurrency control databases to provide a guarantee of snapshot isolation. This isolation level provides the illusion that all transactions execute on an atomic snapshot of the data but it is vulnerable to anomalies where certain combinations of concurrent transactions can yield incorrect results. The implementation of optimistic concurrency control in Convex instead provides true serializability and will yield correct results regardless of what transactions are issued concurrently.

No need to think about this

The beauty of this approach is that you can simply write your mutation functions as if they will always succeed, and always be guaranteed to be atomic.

Aside from sheer curiosity about how Convex works, day to day there's no need to worry about conflicts, locking, or atomicity when you make changes to your tables and documents. The "obvious way" to write your mutation functions will just work.