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iOS Swift Quickstart

Learn how to query data from Convex in an application targeting iOS and MacOS devices built with Swift and SwiftUI.

This quickstart assumes that you have a Mac with Xcode, node and npm installed. If you don’t have those tools, take time to install them first.

  1. Create a new iOS app in Xcode
    1. Click Create New Project
    2. Select iOS App and click Next
    3. Name your project something like “ConvexQuickstart”
    4. Ensure Language is set to Swift and User Interface is SwiftUI
    5. Click Next

    Create new iOS project

  2. Configure dependencies
    1. Click on the top-level ConvexQuickstart app container in the project navigator on the left
    2. Click on ConvexQuickstart under the PROJECT heading
    3. Click the Package Dependencies tab
    4. Click the + button (See Screenshot)
    5. Paste
      into the search box and press enter
    6. When the convex-swift package loads, click the Add Package button
    7. In the Package Products dialog, select ConvexQuickstart in the Add to Target dropdown
    8. Click the Add Package button

    Add Convex dependency to package

  3. Install the Convex backend

    Open a terminal and cd to the directory for the Xcode project you created. Run the following commands to install the Convex client and server library.

    npm init -y
    npm install convex
  4. Start Convex

    Start a Convex dev deployment. Follow the command line instructions to create a new project.

    npx convex dev
  5. Create sample data for your database

    Create a new sampleData.jsonl file in your Swift project directory with these contents

    {"text": "Buy groceries", "isCompleted": true}
    {"text": "Go for a swim", "isCompleted": true}
    {"text": "Integrate Convex", "isCompleted": false}
  6. Add the sample data to a table called `tasks` in your database

    Open another terminal tab by pressing ⌘+T which should open in your Swift project directory and run

    npx convex import --table tasks sampleData.jsonl
  7. Expose a database query

    Create a tasks.ts file in the convex/ directory within your Swift project with the following contents

    import { query } from "./_generated/server";

    export const get = query({
    args: {},
    handler: async (ctx) => {
    return await ctx.db.query("tasks").collect();
  8. Create a Swift struct

    Back in Xcode, create a struct at the bottom of the ContentView file to match the sample data

    // We're using the name Todo instead of Task to avoid clashing with
    // Swift's builtin Task type.
    struct Todo: Decodable {
    let _id: String
    let text: String
    let isCompleted: Bool
  9. Connect the app to your backend
    1. Get the deployment URL of your dev server with cat .env.local | grep CONVEX_URL
    2. Create a ConvexClient instance near the top of the file, just above the ContentView struct
    import SwiftUI
    import ConvexMobile

    let convex = ConvexClient(deploymentUrl: "YOUR_CONVEX_URL")

    struct ContentView: View {
  10. Create your UI

    Replace the default ContentView with the following code that will refresh the list of todo items whenever the backend data changes.

    struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var todos: [Todo] = []

    var body: some View {
    List {
    ForEach(todos, id: \._id) { todo in
    }.task {
    for await todos: [Todo] in convex.subscribe(to: "tasks:get")
    .replaceError(with: []).values
    self.todos = todos
  11. Run the app
    1. Press ⌘+R or click Product → Run
    2. You can also try adding, updating or deleting documents in your tasks table at - the app will update with the changes in real-time.

    App preview