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Kotlin and Convex type conversion

Custom data types

When receiving values from Convex, you aren't limited to primitive values. You can create custom @Serializable classes that will be automatically decoded from response data.

Consider a Convex query function that returns results like this JavaScript object:

name: "Guardians",
uniformColors: ["blue", "white", "red"],
wins: 80n,
losses: 60n

That can be represented in Kotlin using:

data class BaseballTeam(
val name: String,
val uniformColors: List<String>,
val wins: @ConvexNum Int,
val losses: @ConvexNum Int)

Then you can pass it as the type argument in your subscribe call:

convex.subscribe<Team>("mlb:first_place_team", args = mapOf("division" to "AL Central"))

The data from the remote function will be deserialized to your custom class.

Numerical types

Your Convex backend code is written in JavaScript, which has two relatively common types for numerical data: number and BigInt.

number is used whenever a value is assigned a literal numeric value, whether 42 or 3.14. BigInt can be used by adding a trailing n, like 42n. Despite the two types, is very common to use number for holding either integer or floating point values in JavaScript.

Because of this, Convex takes extra care to encode values so they won't lose precision. Since technically the number type is an IEEE 754 floating point value, anytime you get a plain number from Convex it will be represented as floating point in Kotlin. You can choose to use Double or Float, depending on your needs but be aware that Float might lose precision from the original.

It also means that Kotlin's Long type (64 bit) can't be safely stored in a number (only 53 bits are available to encode integers) and requires a BigInt.

That's a long lead up to explain that in order to represent numerical values in responses from Convex, you need to hint to Kotlin that they should use custom decoding.

You can do this in three ways. Use whichever seems most useful to your project.

  1. Annotate the plain Kotlin type (Int, Long, Float, Double) with @ConvexNum

  2. Use a provided type alias for those types (Int32, Int64, Float32, Float64)

  3. Include a special annotation at the top of any file that defines @Serializable classes and just use the plain types with no annotation


    package com.example.convexapp

    import kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers

    // @Serializable classes and things.

In the example, JavaScript's BigInt type is used by adding a trailing n to the wins and losses values which lets the Kotlin code use Int. If instead the code used regular JavaScript number types, on the Kotlin side those would be received as floating point values and deserialization would fail.

If you have a situation like that where number is used but by convention only contains integer values, you can handle that in your @Serializable class.

data class BaseballTeam(
val name: String,
val uniformColors: List<String>,
@SerialName("wins") private val internalWins: Double,
@SerialName("losses") private val internalLosses: Double) {

// Expose the JavaScript number values as Ints.
val wins get() = internalWins.toInt()
val losses get() = internalLosses.toInt()

The pattern is to store the Double values privately and with different names that the value from the backend. Then add accessors to provide the Int values.

Field name conversion

This pattern was used above, but it bears describing on its own. Sometimes a value will be produced on the backend with a key that matches a Kotlin keyword ({fun: true}) or doesn't conform to Kotlin naming conventions (e.g. starts with an underscore). You can use @SerialName to handle those cases.

For example, here's how you can ingest the Convex document ID from a backend response and convert it to a field name that won't trigger Kotlin lint warnings:

data class ConvexDocument(@SerialName("_id") val id: String)